Sunday 4 April 2010

Research - Ideas for our thriller

After analyzing various thriller opening, we came together and discussed ideas we had.

First Idea

Michael 1st suggested a detective-like thriller.

It starts with a panning shot of the tower blocks over looking the Thames at dawn which then cuts into two detectives walking into a house and into the kitchen where a body is leaning against cupboards with a blood covered knife next to them.
It then cuts back using various flashes to a lead up of how the murder happened, much like CSI.
His inspiration for this idea was from a scene in the award winning american series, The Wire.
The credit roll for this would be a shot from inside a car, much like the police camera action shots, with the credits appearing on various buildings as it drives by.

Second Idea

Our second idea was a "se7en" style opening, but with the camera panning to show various newspaper headlines and photographs of murdered women, we would have several action shots of the psychopath but we would not see his face. it was supposed to be about a crazed psychopath that had escaped from an asylum, however we thought this was too unoriginal to do.

Third Idea

I thought about involving something more 21st century and using computer games as a story-line. Someone has been stalking 2 friends in an online game and seeks to murder them both, one of the friends gets murdered, and the other is out to seek revenge.
We went with this idea as it was the most original and would challenge us to create something new and fresh. Only one film is similar to this, Stay Alive, albeit a horror rather than a thriller.


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